Lecture 8 - Identifying Needs and Establishing Requirements

User Persona

Name: Andrew Teoh

Age: 30 years old


Interest: computer game, editing video and editing picture.

Occupation: IT Engineer in Cyberjaya.

Goals & Frustrations when using Technology: 

Goals: To become a professional gamer, professional editor for videos and pictures.

Frustrations: Price for Personal Computer(PC) to expensive for game and video or picture editor. 

Favorite brands/Products: Razer because razer is the world leader in high-performance gaming hardware, software and systems. 

Computer/mobile technology they use: 

Mobile: Razer phone
Computer: Custom pc with Razer brand.

Attitude towards learning: The persona can be a part-time streamer to play games or be a video or picture editor. He manages well his time working as an IT Engineer and part-time streamer as well as video and picture editor. 
